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Putting Farmers in Control of Their Data: Iowa Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau (AFBF) and other groups recently introduced a tool, the Ag Data Transparency Evaluator (ADTE), to explain in plain English the convoluted details often found in data contracts with agricultural hardware and software providers.   ADTE Administrator, Todd Janzen will cover the purpose,  value, and plans for the Transparency Evaluator.

AFBF is also a founding member of the Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC), an organization created by several leading agricultural groups and companies to help farmers better store and manage their information in a central location. The ADC will establish a co-op-style repository for agricultural data, with farmers having a governing role over the group. Matt Bechdol, Interim Executive Director of the ADC, will cover the mission, vision, and activities of the ADC and discuss its role in data driven agriculture.

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