Thornburg v. Randolph BZA: Court Affirms Variance for Poultry Farm
/We are pleased to report on a recent zoning victory for a poultry farm in Randolph County, Indiana.
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We are pleased to report on a recent zoning victory for a poultry farm in Randolph County, Indiana.
Read MoreWe recently secured a major zoning victory for a poultry producer in northern Indiana resulting in a court order blocking a harmful CFO moratorium from going into effect and awarding attorneys’ fees for the producer.
Read MoreThe Indiana Court of Appeals recently held a hog CAFO fell within the county zoning ordinance’s definition of a “farm” and therefore was properly issued a building permit in the F Farming Zone.
Read MoreModern livestock farms get all kinds of labels. What is the correct term?
Read MoreWe recently read an editorial in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette calling for greater regulation of livestock farms. Here is our response.
Read MoreOn July 11, 2017, the Circuit Court in Fayette County, Indiana issued an opinion affirming the Rush County Board of Zoning Appeal's decision to grant a special exception to an Indiana dairy farm. Todd and Brianna represented the dairy farm in front of the BZA and on appeal.
Read MoreOn February 27, 2017, the Indiana Office of Environmental Adjudication upheld the Indiana Department of Environmental Management's approval of a dairy's application to build and operate a new confined feeding operation in Rush County, Indiana. Todd and Brianna defended the dairy against a challenge to the permit approval from a nearby neighbor.
Read MoreLast year the standard for review for administrative decisions was upended (Indiana and federal level). Recently our Court of Appeals explained that this change does not apply to zoning appeals.
Janzen Schroeder Agricultural Law LLC / 8425 Keystone Crossing Ste. 111, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 / 317.855.9920 / Disclaimer / Terms / Privacy Policy
Online revenue management platforms for landlords are being challenged as price fixing tools. What will the implications be for tenant farmers?