Todd Janzen Discusses Ag Data Survey in Progressive Forage
/In case you missed the results of the latest ag data survey of farmer attitudes, read a summary here.
Read MoreNews and Information about Janzen Schroeder Ag Law
In case you missed the results of the latest ag data survey of farmer attitudes, read a summary here.
Read MoreWhat are the implications for farmers arising out of the recent court ruling on a commonly used herbicide?
Read MoreTodd Janzen was featured on a recent USB Tech Toolshed podcast discussing the Ag Data Transparent project.
Read MoreThe Indiana Court of Appeals recently held a hog CAFO fell within the county zoning ordinance’s definition of a “farm” and therefore was properly issued a building permit in the F Farming Zone.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting everyone’s lives. We may be working from home, but we are still here to help you.
Read MoreTodd Janzen’s article about Climate Corporation’s termination of its partnership with agtech startup Tillable was featured in Successful Farming Magazine.
Read MoreBrianna was featured in the Super Lawyers 2020 magazine. She was also recognized as a Rising Star in environmental litigation.
Read MoreOn February 21, 2020, the Indiana Supreme Court denied transfer in a major Indiana Right to Farm Act case. This is a big win for agriculture.
Read MoreDigital connectivity is taken for granted in many areas, but high-speed internet is still absent in many rural areas throughout the country. Todd Janzen was recently interviewed in Precision Farming Dealer about this issue.
Read MoreBrianna was interviewed by CBS 4’s Problem Solver reporter Jill Glavan on February 10, 2020, to discuss a Grant County BZA decision and the judicial appeal that followed.
Read MoreOn January 30, 2020, the Indiana Supreme Court held oral argument in the case Himsel v. Himsel. The case covers a lot of territory, including the Right to Farm Act, odor as an alleged trespass, respect for the local zoning process, nuisance, negligence, governmental takings, and questions on legal standards.
Read MoreTodd Janzen was interviewed for Successful Farming magazine about what he considers to be the big legal issues for ag tech.
Read MoreThe National FFA Convention is here in Indianapolis this week, and we enjoyed attending the kickoff luncheon at the Convention Center on October 29, 2019. Our speakers focused on the themes of gratitude, leadership, and the future.
Read MoreHowStuffWorks recently published an article about the Right to Repair movement and its impact on industries, including agriculture. Todd Janzen was featured in the article, which can be read following the link.
Read MoreAttorney Todd Janzen was quoted The Week’s article titled: “The Food Industry has a Price Fixing Problem.”
Read MoreOur summer law clerk, Delanie Wiseman, answers farmers’ questions about growing industrial hemp in Indiana.
Read MoreA three judge panel unanimously rejected multiple neighbors’ challenges to a rural Indiana hog farm. In the case titled Himsel v. 4/9 Livestock, neighbors alleged that a nearby hog farm was a nuisance, its odors constituted a “trespass,” and its existence violated their constitutional rights to “Open Courts” and “Equal Privileges” under the law. Here is our summary of the decision.
Read MoreIrrigation has gone high-tech. It’s no surprise that technology plays an important role in increasing the efficiency and decreasing the water usage of modern. The rise of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and their ability to stream data across fields has accelerated high-tech irrigation. Collecting this data brings lots of promise and few legal concerns. Todd Janzen was recently interviewed by Anne Blankenbiller, editor-in-chief of Irrigation Today for the feature article: What’s the Big Deal with Big Data?
Read MoreHave you ever been frustrated that your vehicle or electronic device requires a trip to the manufacture’s store or authorized dealer to fix? That frustration is the driving force behind the Right to Repair movement.
Read MoreFarm Equipment magazine recently interviewed Todd Janzen about how dealers can protect their customer’s ag data.
Read MoreA series of recent New York Times articles have sounded the alarm about PFAS chemicals in biosolids being land applied as fertilizer to agricultural ground. Is the concern legit?
Janzen Schroeder Agricultural Law LLC / 8425 Keystone Crossing Ste. 111, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 / 317.855.9920 / Disclaimer / Terms / Privacy Policy
The 45Z tax credit for production of sustainable fuels will require farmers to verify compliance with ag data.