Unpacking Agrivoltacics at Solar Farm Summit

Mark Twain once famously advised "Buy land, they aren't making any more of it." Those in the agriculture industry know this to be true, and enhancing land productivity is a hot topic. This summer Brianna Schroeder joined several other speakers at a Solar Farm Summit to cover a variety of topics related to solar energy.

Brianna’s panel focused on agrivoltaics. Agrivoltaics, also known as agrisolar, dual-use solar, or low impact solar, is the practice of combining solar energy generation and agricultural production on the same land. Solar photovoltaic panels are used to generate solar energy, while the land is also used for agriculture, such as crop or livestock production, grazing, or pollinator habitats. 

Schroeder joined fellow attorneys Keith Gordon and David Rieser to discuss negotiating agrivoltaics contracts for landowners. The trio provided tips for farmers and rural governments on how to negotiate a contract with a solar company to graze sheep or grow crops/veggies under and around solar panels.

Link here to view Solar Farm Summit information including the winners of theNorth American Agrivoltaics Awards.