Schroeder Helps 2025 Fort Wayne Farm Show Attendees Wade Through Water Issues

While January in Indiana is off to a bitterly cold start in 2025, there is no shortage of hot topics regarding land use. Brianna Schroeder was a featured speaker at the 2025 Fort Wayne Farm Show where she spoke on land use topics with a focus on water. A crowd of more than 170 farmers attended the session sponsored by Indiana Farm Bureau and Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells and Whitley County Farm Bureaus.

While historically water has been in sufficient supply in Indiana, Schroeder shared about the current regulatory landscape and issues regarding this precious resource. As an expert in zoning, she shared cases studies that illustrate how water impacts zoning decisions, the passing of ordinances and taking law.

A key example of a significant legal case around water comes from Schroeder’s firm’s victory for a farm family of Northern Indiana. A Marshall County farm experienced repeated flooding at the hands of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The team at Janzen Schroder Ag Law worked with the Houin family to bring their case to a successful closure. The case, process, and ultimate resolution provides a study for the patience and persistence necessary to take on a state government agency with unlimited resources and little incentive to settle. Link here to read about this water-related case and farmer victory.

James Henry of Indiana AgriNews recapped the presentation and his story can be found here.

To learn more about Brianna’s background and experience, link here.